Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
The City of Goldsboro Travel and Tourism Division was established in June 2000 to create, implement and develop the programs and operations of the Goldsboro Travel and Tourism Advisory. The role of Goldsboro Wayne County Travel and Tourism Department is to brand, market, and sell the area to nonresidents as a preferred leisure, convention, and business destination to generate positive economic growth. From sporting events and group travel to supporting the arts and agricultural heritage, the department works closely with numerous public and private organizations and implements destination marketing strategies to drive visitor demand for local lodging facilities. Furthermore, the department strives to enhance the quality of life and image of the community making Goldsboro Wayne County a great place to visit— and to live.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Chamber of Commerce of Wayne County, Inc. for more information.
PO Box 1107, Goldsboro, NC 27533 – (919) 734-2241 –