Wayne Country Day School, Inc.


Schools, Private

About Us

The faculty and staff of Wayne Country Day School are committed to this vision as we work to educate and prepare the whole student. The classrooms, the athletic fields, art studios, front office and even the cafe are learning environments. The faculty and staff work as a team to stretch our students in preparation for college and the world beyond. We recognize that learning is not the ability to memorize facts, but truly knowing how to problem solve, write and think critically and creatively. Beginning in the early years and continuing through the lower school and high school, our students are challenged in a supportive environment. Our faculty use best practices that are tried and true while also embracing technology. We are a google school and our classrooms are equipped with Promethean boards to augment our hands on learning.

Our school is committed to having a positive impact in our community through service learning projects, clubs, athletics and student lead organizations. We believe that every student should have the opportunity to find their passion, set goals for themselves and be successful. Our learning community embraces diversity and celebrates each individual’s uniqueness. We come together from various backgrounds, cultures, religion, ethnicities and beliefs to create an accepting, safe learning environment. We set high expectations for both students and staff.


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Printed courtesy of www.waynecountychamber.com – Contact the Chamber of Commerce of Wayne County, Inc. for more information.
PO Box 1107, Goldsboro, NC 27533 – (919) 734-2241 – scotts@waynecountychamber.com